Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more
- British Pearl ('BP') Investor funds for investment purposes are kept safe and separate from our business accounts in a segregated client account with Barclays Bank.
- We ensure transparency at all times so that Investors can track their money and confirm where it is kept, how much there is and the history of transactions made on their account(s).
- In line with the company Privacy Policy we will ensure processes are in place to safeguard investor information and guarantee accessibility in the event that British Pearl ceases to operate.
- We also have processes in place to ensure that investment holdings can continue to be accessed in the event that British Pearl ceases to operate.
- Our FAQs and Investor Agreements explain exactly how the investment process works, what our duties and responsibilities are, what due diligence has been undertaken, and what fees and charges will apply and when.
- We are committed to hiring competent, professional and honest people, who make sure that we have the systems and processes in place to run our business in a professional and FCA compliant manner with our customers’ interests in mind.
- We are dedicated to ensuring that our IT systems and business processes are secure, reliable and proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of our business and are sufficiently robust to facilitate compliance with applicable law, regulations and this Code of Conduct.
- We make every effort to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to our sales and marketing activity, and ensure that our communications are fair, clear and not misleading, that all identifiable risks and potential returns are presented in a balanced way and that Investors are treated fairly.
- If Investors are unhappy about any aspect of our service, they have the ability to complain through the Contact Us section of the Site.